How to Reprogram Your Subconscious

Christina Cannes
4 min readJan 11, 2023


Reprogramming your subconscious is one of the most effective ways to change your life.

Your beliefs create your reality. Therefore, what you believe is what you experience.

Beliefs, simply put, are thoughts repeated over and over again that cement and condense to form a belief.

A belief is also your interpretation of an experience that you had in life. This belief can be created if you experience trauma and due to the elevated emotions, imprinted into your subconscious.

For example, if you grew up in a loving household with healthy parents, the belief you create about yourself is “I am loved and supported.” With this belief, you will experience a reality in which you are loved and supported.

But if you grew up in a chaotic household with parents who were not attuned to your health and wellbeing, or you were abused, the beliefs you lock in could be “No one loves me” or “I’m all alone.”

With the belief “No one loves me,” locked in, this can create situations that cause you to feel unloved over and over again throughout your life. This can affect not only your personal life but also your business and career.

The best way to take inventory of your beliefs is to track your patterns and experiences and then clear them during a hypnotic state. You cannot rewrite beliefs unless you can access the subconscious which requires you to slow your brainwaves down. This is why hypnosis and meditation are vital steps in your reprogramming process.

Here are six ways to start to reprogram your subconscious:

  1. Identify your negative beliefs by tracking patterns.

List the common patterns that show up. These could be consistently attracting emotionally avoidant partners, generating income that you can’t seem to save, fear of speaking up, or codependency.

By tracking your patterns, you will be able to identify the beliefs that hold you back and limit your potential. Some examples might include “I’m not good enough,” “I can’t achieve my goals,” or “I’m not worthy of love and respect.”

All these beliefs will show up in experiences that create struggle, lack, sabotage, and, the big clue, whenever you feel “triggered.”

2. Challenge and reframe these beliefs.

Once you’ve identified your patterns, take inventory of the beliefs creating these experiences. This can be done through mediation, hypnosis, or during a BELIEF HACKING™ session.

Ask yourself where these beliefs came from as the best way to change beliefs is to access the root cause which was usually implanted during childhood (ages 0–7). Again, this is best done during hypnosis, mediation, or a BELIEF HACKING™ session.

3. Re-write your beliefs and practice affirmations.

I’m not a big believer in just repeating affirmations without understanding the root cause of the limiting belief/trauma that created it. Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself daily, but a lot of people believe they can bypass actual healing with positive thinking alone.

The most effective way to reprogram is to clear the original belief, again through mediation, hypnosis, or a BELIEF HACKING™ session, and then seed the subconscious with the new belief through affirmations which are used while in a hypnotic state.

Consciously repeating affirmations is a very long road and because the belief was created on a subconscious level while brain waves were slowed, implanting it during a conscious state isn’t effective.

4. Visualization.

Visualization involves creating a mental image of what you want to achieve or who you want to become. It can be a powerful tool for reprogramming your subconscious mind, as it helps to create a clear and vivid picture of your goals and aspirations but again, must be done during meditation or hypnosis when your brain waves are reduced and you can access your subconscious.

Do this step after you’ve cleared the limiting belief from your subconscious.

5. Take consistent action.

To reprogram your subconscious mind, it’s important to take consistent action toward your goals and actively live out the new belief. This can involve setting small, achievable goals and working towards them daily.

Yes, this requires discipline!

6. Celebrate your success when you start to see the new changes showing up in your reality.

Gratitude is the best way to communicate that you want more of this experience. Reward yourself for doing the work and make the process fun.

Remember, you have the power to change your life and once you start the process, you’ll wonder why you didn’t jump in sooner!

Christina Cannes is a coach, hypnotherapist, and nutritionist helping entrepreneurs uplevel their life and business with Belief Hacking™. If you’re ready to drop the subconscious programs, trauma, and emotions that prevent you from being who you truly are and creating an amazing life visit her website here.



Christina Cannes

Christina Cannes is a hypnotherapist & nutritionist helping entrepreneurs, business owners & creatives uplevel their life and business with Belief Hacking™.